Death doesn’t have to be a taboo. When asked, most people agree that when they pass on, they’d rather be remembered in a unique, cheerful way that best reflects their life. Take a moment to browse the gallery below and see how being up front about the inevitability of death affects how we deal with it.

Life Before Death

Death flicks that’ll get you thinking.

Bucket List

A list of things to do before you Kick the Bucket.

Last Outfit

What will you wear for your final act?

Happy Coffins

Out-of-the-box interpretations for that final in-the-box journey.

Have the Final Word

Preparing for death can be a good thing.

Death To Taboo

Death with a smile.

A Memorial To Remember

Everyone is unique.

Make an Online Memorial Tribute

Enter the new age of remembering.

Conversation Portraits

The perverse pleasures of obituaries.

QR Memorials

A quick response to a lifetime of tributes.